AI and Agriculture

How is AI impacting agriculture from cloud to crops?

Thursday, June 22nd

6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Eastern



English-Portuguese simultaneous translation

AI’s impact on farmers in Brazil, North America, and the world

With the global agricultural analytics market projected to reach US$1.4 billion by 2025, the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in agriculture presents growth opportunities for entrepreneurial companies in both the IT and agriculture sectors.[1] The integration of AI in the Brazilian and U.S. agriculture markets, two of the world’s powerhouses, is having a profound impact on crop and financial yields. AI-based technologies are enabling farmers to increase production, optimize resource utilization, and minimize environmental impact.

In this Talking Business, learn how U.S.-based FBN (Farmers Business Network) is helping more than 25,000 farmers adapt to rapid technological change with the launch of Norm, its AI Advisor that leverages machine learning to provide farmers with data-driven insights. FBN is a U.S.-based agtech company founded in 2014 that provides farmers with tools and technology to improve their farming operations. It has raised over $570 million from investors including GV (formerly Google Ventures), T. Rowe Price, and Temasek.


Want to learn more?

In this Talking Business, you will learn from two U.S.-based executives from FBN who have a deep understanding of the agricultural analytics market. They will share how FBN’s innovations are impacting companies in the U.S. and around the world. They will be joined by a Uninter professor with expertise in agricultural sciences and agribusiness in Brazil.


  • Understand the current state of AI and agricultural analytics.
  • Explore case studies of data-driven decision-making in agriculture and the use of AI.
  • Learn from leaders in agricultural analytics in North America and understand its relevance in Brazil.
  • Discuss the challenges of AI and rapid technological advances in agriculture.


Kit Barron

Head of Data Science and Analytics at Farmer’s Business Network (FBN)

Kit Barron is Head of Data Science and Analytics at Farmer’s Business Network (FBN). He uses data science to build better tools for farmers, helping them get access to price transparency, market information, and agronomic insights while seeking to help upend the big oligopolies of agricultural finance, grain trading, and ag input companies. Based in San Francisco, Kit is an experienced Product leader who brings diverse teams together to make a lasting impact by leveraging the latest technologies. Prior to FBN, he worked in Product development at Farmwise, FarmTogether, and The Climate Corporation. Kit has a Master’s in International Business focused on the Global Food Business from The Fletcher School at Tufts University and an undergraduate degree with distinction from Middlebury College. His grandfather grew up on a popcorn farm in Iowa in the 1920s.

Rebecca Willison

Data Science Manager at FBN

Rebecca Willison is a Data Science Manager at FBN who is passionate about using data and technology to help farmers make informed decisions and get connected to additional opportunities to increase profits. Rebecca grew up on a livestock farm in central Missouri before graduating from University of Missouri with undergraduate and Master’s degrees in Statistics. She has a strong background in geospatial data analysis and environmental modeling and enjoys using those skills to solve problems and build tools for farmers. Prior to FBN, she worked at Monsanto Company, The Climate Corporation, and Benson Hill to use data science to help develop new biotech, chemistry, and software products for agriculture.

André Luiz Delgado Corradini

Professor of Agricultural Sciences at UNINTER

André Luiz Delgado Corradini is a Professor of Agricultural Sciences at UNINTER. He has worked on farms and as an agronomist in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, and his adopted home of Paraná. André has a strong interest in educational video production and was a producer of technical programs for Canal Rural, Brazil’s leading agriculture-focused television channel. His research interests include the use of Internet-enabled technologies in agriculture, real-time decision making in the fields, and the use of drones, sensors, and other emerging technologies. André holds a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Taubaté and a Master’s in Knowledge Management.

Presentation and Moderation

Jason Dyett

VP, Uninter Global Hub

Jason Dyett is Vice President and co-founder of the UNINTER Global Hub. Based in the Boston area, he has 25 years of experience establishing and growing private sector and higher education initiatives in the U.S. and Brazil. Jason served as Managing Director of Harvard’s Advanced Leadership Initiative (2016-2019), where he led its staff in expanding a fellowship program for C-level executives who are re-focusing on social impact. From 2006 to 2016, he was founding Executive Director of Harvard’s University-wide office in São Paulo, Brazil. Earlier in his career, he conducted best practices research on information risk for Fortune 1000 companies. Jason earned an MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Vermont.